Foundational Program – MemberLearn

Everything you need — from courses and downloadable resources, to connecting with subject matter experts or classroom presentations — will live in MemberLearn: the League’s online learning platform.  

Let’s start with the basics. The following MemberLearn courses should be completed before the in-person program: 

You will receive emails prompting your with further instructions when it is time to complete these MemberLearn courses. 

Courses are interactive, with videos and games to help you digest the information. The platform will also save your progress, so you can jump in and out as needed.

Course Descriptions

Welcome and MemberLearn Overview

10 minutes

Review the core competencies for the program and learn about the MemberLearn platform.

City Structure and Roles

60 minutes

Core Competencies: Policymaking; Integrity and Ethics

  • Structure and Function of Cities. Review the different types of cities that operate in Minnesota, how your type of city impacts your role on the council, and city government limitations.
  • Roles and Responsibilities. Outlines the city council and city staff roles in city governance, including properly fulfilling duties under the law and lawfully exercising authority.

Open Meeting Law

30 minutes

Core Competencies: Integrity and Ethics; Communication; Policymaking; Meeting Facilitation

Gain an appreciation for Open Meeting Law! You will start to understand the requirements set forth in the law and get tips on how to work together as a council in making decisions and setting policy.

Public Finance 101 & 201

Core Competency: Financial Literacy

This combination 101 and 201 course will provide the introduction you need to understand city budgeting.

Public Finance 101

10 minutes

Learn core concepts of public finance and budgeting basics.

Public Finance 201

20 minutes

Dive a little deeper to understand fund accounting, operating budgets, revenue and expenditures, and tax levies, ensuring you are equipped to communicate with confidence about your city budget.

Legal Landscape for Elected Officials

Risk and Legal Obligations

30 minutes

Core Competencies: Integrity and Ethics; Strategic Planning and Decision Making; Managing Risk

Explore city operations through a legal lens. This course will help you understand your role in managing legal risk for your city including conflict of interest, data practices, and purchasing missteps.

Social Media for Elected Officials

30 minutes 

Core Competencies: Communication, Community Engagement, Managing Risk

Social media is a great tool for communicating and engaging with your community. This course will help you understand the legal considerations of best practices, benefits, and potential pitfalls of social media use as an elected official.