Exhibit Rules Governing Exhibits and Exhibitors

1. MANAGEMENT. “Management” is the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC), the Executive Director of the League of Minnesota Cities, or agents and employees acting in the Management of the Annual Conference.

2. EXHIBIT SPACE RESERVATIONS. Applicants shall complete the exhibit application in its entirety. Management will consider allocation of exhibit space in the order that applications are received, except that Business Alliance Program Members will be given a two-week preference. Exhibit spaces are shown on the floor plan at lmc.org/exhibit.

3. RELOCATION OF EXHIBITS. Management reserves the right to alter locations of Exhibitors or of booths as shown on the official floor plan if deemed advisable in the best interest of the Annual Conference. Exhibit hall floor plan is subject to change.

4. ELIGIBLE EXHIBITORS. The exhibit hall is for products, equipment, or professional services that are related to the interests of cities, and is subject to limited space. The League of Minnesota Cities is a non-partisan and non-religious organization, and exhibitors should refrain from promoting religious or partisan interests. Management reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine eligibility of any applicant to be an Exhibitor. Management further reserves the right to decline, prohibit, deny access, or remove any exhibit which in its sole judgment is contrary to the character, objectives, and best interests of the Expo or Management.

5. ADDITIONAL RULES. Exhibitors shall not distribute advertising matter outside of the Exhibitor’s rented space. Exhibitor’s furnishings shall be contained within the confines of its booth. LMC reserves the right to restrict any exhibit which might be considered undesirable or does not conform to Exhibit Rules, or to make any modifications to these displays, at Exhibitor’s expense, so that the exhibit conforms to the Exhibit Rules. Exhibitor representatives wearing distinctive costumes or uniforms, or carrying banners or signs separately or as a part of their apparel, shall not appear at the Annual Conference other than in their own booths. Exhibitors will comply with LMC’s Anti-Harassment Policy or other conduct standards applicable to conference attendees. Exhibitors shall take no payment for products or services of any kind in the exhibit hall. Any outside events planned by exhibitors are not allowed to conflict with Management’s conference schedule. Management reserves the right to prohibit exhibitors from exhibiting at future conferences should they fail to comply with these rules.

6. RATES AND PAYMENT. Exhibitor shall submit payment at time of reservation. Booths are not reserved until payment is received. Payment can only be made by credit card; checks will not be accepted.

7. CANCELLATION. Applications and payments to reserve booth space are subject to management’s cancellation policy. Requests to cancel an exhibit booth application must be submitted in writing to exhibit@lmc.org eight (8) weeks prior to the exhibit hall date. Requests received by this date will be issued a 50% refund. No refunds will be issued for cancellation requests submitted after this date.

8. SOUVENIRS AND GIVEAWAYS. Exhibitors shall not distribute souvenirs, mementos, or giveaways valued in excess of $5. Exhibitors must comply with Minnesota Gift Law, found at Minn. Stat. § 10A.071 and § 471.895. Raffles, and other lawful gambling, defined in Minn. Stat. § 349.12, are prohibited.

9. DEFAULT OF OCCUPANCY. Exhibitor failing to occupy contracted-for space is not relieved of the obligation of paying the full rental of such space as provided for in this contract. If Exhibitor fails to occupy contracted-for space at the time set for completion of installation of exhibits, space may be forfeited to Management, in which case the Exhibitor shall pay the full rental for such space. Management reserves the right to re-let such space, after giving notice to the original Exhibitor, who in such cases shall be liable in the amount and to the extent of the loss incurred by Management in re-letting.

10. REMOVAL OF EXHIBITS. Exhibitors shall not remove or disturb any exhibit or demolish any structures until after 7 p.m. on the day of the exhibition. Exhibitors must complete removals by 10 a.m. on the day after the exhibition. Exhibitor’s failure to comply with the breakdown schedule may result in denial of future exhibit space.

11. EXHIBITOR RESPONSIBILITY. Exhibitor shall be liable for all storage and handling charges resulting from Exhibitor’s failure to remove exhibit materials before conclusion of the dismantling period as specified in paragraph 8. Exhibitors requesting the scrapping of any exhibit material shall pay any expenses involved.

12. FOOD AND BEVERAGE. Exhibitors shall not distribute food or beverage without prior convention center authorization. The convention center reserves the right to charge a corkage fee to Exhibitors to distribute food or beverage.

13. DECORATIONS. Management shall be the sole judge of conformity to the Exhibit Rules and may require the replacing, rearrangement, redressing, or redecorating of any item or of any booth not conforming to these rules. Exhibitor shall be liable for any expenses incurred in conforming to these rules.

14. FLAMMABLE MATERIALS. Exhibitor shall use no flammable fluids, substances, or materials of any nature that are prohibited by national, state, or municipal regulations.

15. OBSTRUCTION OF AISLES OR NEARBY BOOTHS. Management may suspend any demonstration or activities by any Exhibitor that results in excessive obstruction of aisles or prevents ready access to a nearby Exhibitor’s booth.

16. ATTENDANCE. Management shall have sole control over admission policies.

17. BOOTH REPRESENTATIVES. All booth representatives shall wear proper badge identification, furnished by Management, at all times. Exhibitors shall submit lists of booth representatives to Management before the opening date of the convention. Management shall provide each Exhibitor with two complimentary registrations for each exhibit space under contract. Additional registrations will be subject to registration fees.

18. CONSENT TO USE OF IMAGES. Registration and attendance at, or participation in the Annual Conference constitutes an irrevocable agreement by the exhibitor to Management to use and distribute their image, logo, and marks in photographs, videotapes, and electronic reproductions of such events and activities for advertising, commercial promotion, or other purposes, without limitation and for no additional compensation.

19. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. Exhibitors shall be liable for any damage caused to building floors, walls, columns, standard booth equipment, or to other Exhibitor property. Exhibitors shall not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive, or any other coating to building columns, floors, or standard booth equipment.

20. SAFETY DEVICES. Exhibitor shall comply with national, state, and municipal regulations in the provision and maintenance of adequate safety devices. Exhibitor shall comply with national, state, and municipal requirements for the operation of any equipment. Exhibitor shall obtain approval from Management for the use or display of any electrical, mechanical, or chemical device, which might be hazardous in a place of public assembly.

21. FLOOR LOAD. Exhibitors shall be solely responsible for any injury or damage to property or person, resulting from a failure to distribute the load of any equipment or exhibit material in conformity with the maximum floor load specifications.

22. USE OF LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES NAME. Exhibitor understands that acceptance by Management for Exhibitor to participate in the Exhibit Hall in no way implies endorsement by Management of Exhibitor’s products, equipment, or professional services. Exhibitor agrees not to use League of Minnesota Cities’ name in correspondence or other written materials without the advance written approval of LMC, except to identify Exhibitor’s participation in the Exhibit Hall.

23. INDEMNIFICATION AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Exhibitor shall release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Management from any claims for property damage, personal injury, or death brought against Management as a result of acts, errors, or omissions of Exhibitor, its agents, or employees. Exhibitor shall release and hold harmless Management from loss, theft, damage, or destruction of Exhibitor’s goods and from any claim for injury to Exhibitor, its representatives, or employees while on the premises of the Annual Conference, unless such claims are solely caused by Management. Exhibitor shall release and hold harmless Management from any claim for damage to Exhibitor’s business by reason of the failure to provide space for the exhibit or the removal of the exhibit or for failure to hold the Annual Conference as scheduled.

24. FAILURE TO HOLD ANNUAL CONFERENCE. In the event of cancellation of the Annual Conference due to causes beyond Management’s control, Management may retain such part of the Exhibitor’s rental as shall be required to recompense Management for expenses incurred up to the time such contingency shall have occurred.

25. AMENDMENT TO RULES. Management may, in its sole discretion, make reasonable changes, amendments, or additions to Exhibit Rules, provided that such changes, amendments, or additions shall not operate to substantially diminish rights reserved to the Exhibitor and shall not operate to substantially increase the liability of the Exhibitor.

26. AGREEMENT TO RULES. Each Exhibitor, for its company and its employees, agrees to abide by the foregoing rules and by any amendments or additions that may be established or put into effect by Management.