The League advocates for Minnesota cities on Capitol Hill
With the heightened attention to our nation’s Capitol, the League Board of Directors has adopted a more active federal advocacy strategy. We will communicate, build relationships, and partner on important legislation and administrative rulemaking with all members of Minnesota’s congressional delegation. Now more than ever, the city voice needs to be heard in Washington, D.C.
National League of Cities
While the League of Minnesota Cities focuses primarily on state legislative issues, we also advocate on federal issues directly and through our partner organization, the National League of Cities (NLC).
NLC is a key advocacy and information resource for elected city officials. NLC keeps members apprised of federal regulations, solutions to problems, and challenges for the future.
In 1924, the League of Minnesota Cities and other state municipal leagues formed NLC to have a voice for city issues in Washington, D.C. Today, NLC continues its advocacy role and includes a wide variety of learning and leadership development opportunities.
Elected officials from League of Minnesota Cities member cities can attend NLC conferences and leadership training seminars, serve on policy committees, and access NLC’s information resources. Your city can also become an NLC Direct Member City, allowing you to receive additional discounts and strengthen your level of participation in NLC.