Jul-Aug 2024

What Should Cities Consider When Projecting Personnel Costs?

LMC staff answer questions about budgeting, public meetings, and employee safety.

May-Jun 2024

What Should Cities Know About the State’s Lawns to Legumes Program?

LMC staff answer questions about city ordinances, employing minors, and public trash collection.

Mar-Apr 2024

Why Should a City Have a Policy That Addresses Employee Medical Issues?

LMC staff answer questions about workers' compensation, data practices, and hiring practices.

Jan-Feb 2024

What Is the Process for Rezoning?

LMC staff answer questions about rezoning, employment law changes, and publishing council meeting minutes.

Nov-Dec 2023

Who Is Eligible to Fill Vacant Council Seats?

LMC staff answer questions about elected office qualifications, workplace training, and employment forms.

Sep-Oct 2023

Can the City Give Gift Cards as a Thank You or Incentive?

LMC staff answer questions about gift giving, risk management, and employee compensation.

July-August 2023

What Is the Process of Codifying City Ordinances?

LMC staff answer questions about city code, season-specific policies, and emergency preparedness.

May-June 2023

Should Employment Applications Request Prior Salary History?

LMC staff answer questions about employee comp, public notices, and fire safety protocol.

Mar-Apr 2023

Do We Need to Report Near Misses?

LMC staff answer questions about OSHA claims, interview panels, minors on committees, and more.

Jan-Feb 2023

How Can I Recruit Seasonal Workers?

LMC staff answer questions about recruiting seasonal workers, workplace inspections, compensation, and more.