
May-June 2023

City Love and the Arts – Creating Stronger Community Connections

Art, creative engagements, and theater, help communities invigorate places and spaces that forge deeper connections between the people who live…

May-June 2023

Taking the Lead – How City Officials Can Promote Civility

Every city official owns the responsibility for the infrastructure of civility in their municipality. Creating an environment that is open,…

May-June 2023

Preparing Your Community for Emerging Contaminants

PFAS are among a group of “contaminants of emerging concern” (or emerging contaminants) — a priority across the U.S. because…

Mar-Apr 2023

2022 Mayor for a Day Essay Contest Winners

The League of Minnesota Cities received 560 essays from students around the state for the 2022 Mayor for a Day…

Mar-Apr 2023

Cultivating a Culture of Technology (Before a Disaster Occurs)

IT today must be part of cities’ DNA as the public is demanding better services and digital convenience.

Mar-Apr 2023

On The Road to Less Salt Use in Minnesota Cities

Minnesota is at the forefront of the nation for providing educational opportunities related to lower-salt winter maintenance technologies.

Jan-Feb 2023

Is The THC Law Here To Stay?

The unexpected legalization of certain hemp-derived (THC) products in Minnesota created many questions for Minnesota cities. No other state has…

Jan-Feb 2023

Public Safety Duty Disabilities Remain a Top League Priority

City officials and public safety leaders, with help from the League of Minnesota Cities, have been working to implement mental…

Jan-Feb 2023

Session 2023: Representing Minnesota Cities at the Capitol

The 93rd Session of the Minnesota Legislature will convene Jan. 3, 2023. The Legislature’s main responsibility in 2023 will be…

Nov-Dec 2022

How to Avoid, Recognize, and Fix a Structural Budget Imbalance

How cities can plan for the future and be prepared to handle the occasional financial surprise.