Ideas in Action

Jul-Aug 2024

Rosemount Police Wellness Program Changing Behaviors, Sending Message of Support

The City of Rosemount’s Police Officer Wellness by Enhancing Resiliency (POWER) program focuses on both physical and mental health.

May-Jun 2024

Bloomington Program Recycles Bulk Items, Increases City Savings

The City of Bloomington has increased its sustainability efforts in recent years with a focus on decreasing its carbon footprint.

Mar-Apr 2024

Junior Council Representatives Offer Significant Insights in Centerville

Centerville's junior council program is gaining traction as it enters its third year.

Jan-Feb 2024

Door Knocking Campaign Provides Voice for Brooklyn Park Renters

Brooklyn Park overhauled its previously routine annual oversight program and initiated a door knocking campaign aimed at building rapport with…

Nov-Dec 2023

Honoring Dakota Project Reminds Communities ‘We Are All Related’

The Honoring Dakota Mural covers what was once a cement block building near He Mni Can, also known as Barn…

Sep-Oct 2023

Harnessing Roseville Residents’ Zest for Sustainability Pays Off

Roseville residents got fired up about environmental work after seeing solar panels installed on three city buildings.

July-August 2023

ROCORI Trail Connects Three Cities After Years of Collaboration

Nearly two decades in the making, the ROCORI Trail, connecting Rockville, Cold Spring, and Richmond is complete.

May-June 2023

Duluth’s Climate Plan Advances Sustainability Initiatives and Goals

Changing weather patterns will lead to more extreme weather and in recent years, Duluth has made major climate commitments.

Mar-Apr 2023

Burnsville University Provides Unique City-Focused Training

The City of Burnsville received a League of Minnesota Cities 2022 City of Excellence Award for the launch of Burnsville…

Jan-Feb 2023

Forest Lake Teams With Watershed Districts to Protect Local Water

The City of Forest Lake received a League of Minnesota Cities 2022 City of Excellence Award for its enhanced street…