The League Thanks Outgoing Board Members
The following members of the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) Board of Directors recently completed their Board terms. The League thanks them for their service!

Craig Clark
I’m happy to join my colleagues who have expressed the utmost respect for the League of Minnesota Cities. I have truly valued my time serving as a Board member. As we each work to make our individual cities stronger, it is equally important for us to collectively gather to ensure our combined interests are reflected in our actions before the Legislature, and in ways where we are able to learn from one another. The League is where we continue to realize we are greater than the sum of our individual parts by working together. To actively join so many others in this endeavor is among my proudest accomplishments.

Jeff Pilon
I am very grateful to have served on the League Board these past four years. Because the Board is made up of elected and appointed officials, from large and small cities — the metro area and Greater Minnesota — we have the unique opportunity to communicate a wide variety of perspectives on issues facing cities throughout the state.
Board members shared ideas, discussed options, and working with League staff, were able to provide solutions and tailor services to meet the variety of needs facing our member cities. My thanks to the League staff and fellow Board members; it has been my honor to have been a member of this impressive team.
Rick Schultz
As mayor of St. Joseph for the past 12 years, the city has relied upon the training, education, and policies furnished by the League. As past president of the Minnesota Mayors Association, I became more involved with its workings and developed a greater understanding of what the League provides. In addition to working with the League through these channels, I also serve as a member of the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities Board of Directors. I volunteered to become a member of the LMC Board upon hearing there was an opening for the CGMC representative position. Serving as an LMC Board member was a privilege and honor. The people behind the LMC are indicative of its value and culture, committed to providing the best possible service to its member cities. I worked with staff and member city officials to ensure LMC goals and direction were being met. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such dedicated leaders.
Matt Stemwedel
My experience on the LMC Board as the Metro Cities representative was highly rewarding and positive. It was an honor to serve with a talented group of collaborative Board members to work on the opportunities and challenges all cities face. The LMC staff is top notch and very dedicated to the interests of all cities in Minnesota. We should all be thankful to have what many people believe is the best league association in the country and work to keep it that way. I am so appreciative of my time on the LMC Board and want to thank Metro Cities, my LMC Board colleagues, and the LMC staff for the great experience.