Bits & Briefs
The League Receives NLC Centennial Federal Advocacy Award

The League of Minnesota Cities was awarded with the National League of Cities (NLC) Centennial Federal Advocacy Award during the organization’s 2024 Congressional City Conference in Washington, D.C., March 11-13.
The award honors and recognizes the League as one of the 10 state municipal organizations that came together in 1924 for the first meeting of the group initially called the Association of State Municipal Organizations, which became the American Municipal Association, and ultimately, the NLC.
LMC Executive Director Luke Fischer accepted the award on behalf of the League.
“I am proud of our legacy as one of NLC’s founding members,” he said. “We continue to work closely with NLC on an array of issues that impact our members at the national, state, and local levels. It was exciting to join the state directors of the other founding members for this centennial celebration.”
Updated PTSD Toolkit Provides Resources for Public Safety Officers and Staff
Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed since 1949, according to the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI). Every May, organizations including NAMI raise awareness about mental health stigma, resources, and advocate for supportive policies.
The League of Minnesota Cities also works to support employee mental wellness, in May and year-round, with a particular focus on offering public safety staff various resources, including the recently updated PTSD Toolkit. The updated resource includes new information about family programs, chaplain programs, and retirement planning. It also includes Behind the Badge: Mental Wellness in Law Enforcement, a powerful video testimonial about the importance of mental wellness for police officers and staff. Excellence in public safety requires a workforce with good mental health practices and departments that support mental health as a priority. To view the updated PTSD Toolkit, visit
Environmental Courses Offer Chance to Educate, Connect With Residents
With summer around the corner, people are ready to get outdoors. A great way to do that can be through city-organized educational opportunities. Plymouth is one of many cities in Minnesota that offer residents the chance to learn more about the area’s ecology and sustainability efforts. Started in 2021, the annual Plymouth Environmental Academy is held from August through November. Meetings take place in or around various city facilities, based on the topic at hand, and include Plymouth City Hall, the maintenance facility, the community center, and the water treatment plant. These types of learning opportunities often align with GreenStep Cities’ best practice Action 24.4: Public Education for Action. This best practice encourages cities to conduct or support a broad sustainability education and action campaign, building on existing community relationships, networks, and events. If your city is interested in offering sustainability education or events, or partnering with other organizations that already do, learn more at
Experience Rochester – Sign Up for a Mobile Tour!
Heading to the League of Minnesota Cities 2024 Annual Conference in Rochester this June? Be sure to register for one of these three Mobile Tours. Space is limited — save your spot!
The Infrastructure of Leisure: Rochester’s Planning & Implementation for Parks and Recreation
Visit some of the city’s cutting-edge parks and recreation facilities. We will tour a new aquatic center, multi-use trails, natural play areas, and a senior center while we talk through planning, funding, and community engagement efforts for each project.
Rochester Wastewater Utility Innovation
See the city’s extensive water reclamation plant, which treats an average of 13 million gallons of wastewater daily. From manhole cutters to sustainability initiatives, we will explore Rochester’s wastewater system and other award-winning public works projects.
Downtown Rochester: A Collaborative Structure for Equitable Design of Shared Space
Ready to improve your city through community engagement? See how co-design is shaping Rochester’s physical landscape. Experts will share tested community co-design methods and showcase several projects made possible by co-design.
Participants must preregister to attend each tour. Additional registration fees apply.
Grand Rapids Kicks Off New City Government Academy
The City of Grand Rapids kicked off its first City Government Academy in April. The nine-week program offers residents an opportunity to learn about different aspects of their city’s government. Meeting once a week, participants will visit various locations in Grand Rapids including public works, the police and fire departments, elections and licensing division, and more. The final meeting will take place during a City Council meeting where participants will be recognized for taking part in the academy.
The purpose for starting the program is simple, according to Kim Gibeau, Grand Rapids city clerk and program organizer — it’s about promoting community engagement.
The goals of the program are to educate residents on the day-to-day operations that run the city and on efforts being made to build a healthier, sustainable community, Gibeau said, as well as to encourage residents to become more involved with their local government.
The first academy accepted up to 25 participants. Since it’s new, Gibeau anticipates it may start small, “But we’re hoping that it will be a success and attendees will encourage others to enroll for the next session.” The plan is to host an annual academy.
Gibeau said that when she was developing the program, she turned to other city clerks and staff from communities around Minnesota who offered great information and resources.