Eight students receive honors in LMC Mayor for a Day Essay Contest

February 13, 2024


Essayists prioritized improving cities’ street maintenance, environmental initiatives, sense of community

Minnesota students from grades fourth, fifth, and sixth recently submitted their ideas for improving city services as part of the League of Minnesota Cities’ 11th annual Mayor for a Day Essay Contest. The League hosts this annual essay competition to raise awareness of city services that are part of our daily lives, and to inspire the next generation of city leaders.

Four winners and four honorable mention recipients were chosen for the 2023 competition.


  • Bailey Doll (6th grade) – New York Mills
  • Zahra Kaderbhai (6th grade) – Shoreview
  • Elina Larsen (5th grade) – Byron
  • Claire Westlund (6th grade) – St. Louis Park

Honorable Mentions:

  • Louis Adams (5th grade) – Lauderdale
  • Grace Carlson (5th grade) – Dilworth
  • Janette Cerda Juarez (4th grade) – Windom
  • Charlotte Haussner (5th grade) – Grand Marais

Winning essays will be published in the March-April issue of Minnesota Cities magazine. In addition to publication, winners receive a plaque and a check for $100. Honorable mention students receive a certificate and recognition in the magazine.

The mayors of all winning and honorable mention students have been notified of the results, and cities are encouraged to provide local recognition for participating students.

The Mayor for a Day Essay contest posed the question:

Cities provide a variety of services and programs that make our lives better, including parks & rec, street maintenance, water and sewer, libraries, police, fire, and more!

If you were mayor for a day, what would you do to make one of the services that your city provides even better?

 This year’s winning essayists prioritized issues such as improving their cities’ street maintenance, environmental initiatives, sense of community, and accessibility.