Ignite Fire Safety Awareness This Winter

October 30, 2024

Smoke and fire alarm detector in building hallwayOctober is Fire Prevention Month, and as the month comes to a close, our LMCIT loss consultants want to help you ensure your city buildings are prepared for the upcoming winter months.

Have you tested your smoke alarms recently? Monthly testing and annual battery replacements are crucial. Consider changing your smoke alarm batteries on Sunday, Nov. 3, when you adjust your clocks for Daylight Saving Time.

Why is this important? Colder weather often leads to an increase in building fires. A working smoke alarm can provide precious moments to escape safely.

Don’t forget to:

  • Check your fire extinguishers: Ensure they’re in good working order and readily accessible.
  • Inspect emergency and exit lights: Verify they function correctly and are unobstructed.
  • Clear all exits: Keep pathways to exits free of clutter to facilitate quick and safe evacuation.

By taking these simple steps, you can significantly enhance your city employees’ safety and peace of mind.