Members to vote on changes to LMC constitution at June meeting

May 29, 2024

Hand of a person with a ballot.All member cities will have the opportunity to vote on proposed changes to the League of Minnesota Cities constitution and bylaws at the upcoming Annual Business Meeting on June 27.

Aligning fiscal year with calendar year

In February, the League Board of Directors voted to recommend changing the League’s fiscal year to align with the calendar year. Currently, the League’s fiscal year is Sept. 1-Aug. 31. If approved by League members, the fiscal year (FY) will change to Jan. 1-Dec. 31, starting in 2026. 

To account for the change in timing, FY 2025 would be spread over 16 months instead of 12 months. Members would receive two dues invoices: one in August 2024 in an amount equal to four months of expenses, and a second invoice in January 2025 to cover the next 12 months. Starting in 2026, members would receive one annual invoice each January. 

Additional changes to LMC constitution and bylaws 

In addition to the fiscal year change, the League Board recommended amending the League’s constitution and bylaws to provide changes, including: 

  • Specifying membership eligibility to cities going forward. 
  • Clarifying permissible methods of written Board communications related to dues and meeting notices; as well as processes for Board meetings, elections and membership.  
  • Simple clean-up of some of the language.   

How can my city vote on the proposed changes? 

Amendments to the League constitution, including the fiscal year changes, will be voted on by the membership at the 2024 Annual Business Meeting, which will be held in conjunction with the LMC Annual Conference on June 27 in Rochester. Each member may designate one representative to vote on its behalf at the meeting.  

How can I provide feedback? 

A copy of the proposed changes to the LMC constitution will be provided at the meeting. If you would like to see them beforehand, or if you have any questions or comments regarding the proposed changes, please contact LMC Associate General Counsel Edward Cadman at