Preventing Sexual Harassment

Resources to Help Cities Prevent Sexual Harassment and Maintain a Respectful Workplace

Sexual harassment and misconduct have been an ongoing theme in national and local news. Minnesota cities are committed to creating a workplace free of sexual harassment and abuse. The League has heard from you, our members, seeking tools to promote a healthy workplace for all, and you will find resources here.

How can our leaders contribute to a respectful work environment?

As city councils, boards, and supervisors, it is your responsibility to promote a respectful workplace. The League offers a model resolution that you can customize for your city to show your commitment to a respectful workplace.

View Respectful Workplace, LMC model resolution (doc)

Where can I find strong anti-harassment policies?

Good policies can help promote a positive workplace culture. Has it been a while since the city revisited its respectful workplace or sexual harassment prevention policies? Use these resources to make updates easier:

How can I train city employees and elected officials?

It’s vital for employees (especially supervisors) and elected city officials to understand how to prevent and report sexual harassment. The League offers several training opportunities to consider, including:

  • MemberLearn online courses: The Respect@Work for Supervisors and Respect@Work for Employees courses explain how to build and maintain a respectful workplace.
  • LMC In-person training. A subsidized respectful workplace trainer is available to LMC members. To learn more, contact LMC Training Program Coordinator Jamie Oxley at [email protected].
  • Other in-person training. Additionally, we have compiled a list of trainers we are aware cities have used in the past for this training. While these consultants are not subsidized by the League, we are happy to offer the listing, upon request. Send your request to [email protected].

There is also Respectful Workplace Training available from the EEOC.

What should I do when I receive a harassment claim?

Respond promptly and investigate every claim of harassment. It’s critical that all complaints are investigated promptly, thoroughly, and effectively. The federal Civil Rights Act (Title VII) and the Minnesota Human Rights Act legally obligate the city to investigate complaints in a timely manner and take appropriate corrective steps to end illegal actions and behaviors. For assistance, contact the League at [email protected], and work with your city attorney on any claim of harassment.