City Attorneys Breakfast: Hot Topics in City Risk Management
Various Dates | Connect with fellow municipal attorneys to discuss legal strategies and insights on key issues.
Resources to understand the role cities play in developing and maintaining quality housing stock and the infrastructure that supports it. Rental housing, home ownership, housing stability.
Concepts of affordable and fair housing. Local tools cities may implement to preserve or produce affordable housing and address homelessness.
Learn about the requirements for a city to establish criteria for awarding business subsidies and various development agencies cities may…
Protect city authority to make development fee on housing cost decisions based on locally identified needs.
Understand the cities' role in developing and maintaining quality housing stock and the infrastructure that supports it.
Various Dates | Connect with fellow municipal attorneys to discuss legal strategies and insights on key issues.
[FREE COURSE] Explore the foundations of property tax calculation and its significance in promoting the economic stability and growth in Minnesota cities.
This course is designed to introduce you to core concepts about land use decisions.
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