Calculating Property Tax
[FREE COURSE] Explore the foundations of property tax calculation and its significance in promoting the economic stability and growth in Minnesota cities.
Cities have several potential sources of revenue. Find information on property taxes, state aid programs, city service charges and enterprise funds, borrowing funds, obtaining grants and accepting donations.
Updates and information to assist in your city's financial decision-making process during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Access resources about city finances like the property tax system, local government aid, and tax increment financing.
Read about the Council on Local Results and Innovation performance measurement program and how it can help your city.
This economic development tool can affect a city's tax base and LGA distribution when its districts are decertified.
[FREE COURSE] Explore the foundations of property tax calculation and its significance in promoting the economic stability and growth in Minnesota cities.
[FREE COURSE] This course designed specifically for small cities provides an overview of the budgeting process.
This program gives newer city clerks the foundational skills and knowledge needed to run and govern a city.
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